Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's 3am...

I must be lonely? Guilt more than anything is driving me to write this entry. I'm overseas and not doing a good job of updating my friends and family. Let's see...what can I say to amuse my loved ones...

The sun sets at 4:30. That's weird. I start to get tired and realize we haven't eaten dinner yet. But they don't say four thirty here. They say half four, which to me, sounds like 3:30. I'm starting to pick it up though.

It's starting to get cold, but it always throws me off because the sun can be very deceptive. I see sunlight and assume the rays give off some form of warmth. I mean, billions of miles away there is a ball of raging flames and astronomical heat- some of it can reach this tiny piece of land they call a country, right? Wrong. It's freaking freezing outside, light or no light. But the sun usually sets before you can even think of the anomaly. There was frost on the ground yesterday and it stayed ALL DAY! The Canadians weren't nearly as impressed as I was. Apparently it's snowing in their homeland. Pfph, whatever.

I've been invited to stay in India for a brief time to film a documentary on Mary's Meals. It's a project set up by the Scottish International Relief, a tiny, yet powerful charity up where Father Fraser lives. Mary's Meals started in 2002 and now feeds hundreds of thousands of kids all over the world. The meal is served in the schools by voluteers so it encourages education and involves the whole community...not to mention saves lives. Many of the children in Africa are orphans and depend on the meal as their only source of nourishment. I'm really excited to get involved because the organization is backed up by so much prayer and passion for humanity and love for God's creation.

On that note, I feel the need to interrupt this serious moment to talk about poop. Certain words have been properly re-named by my team and I. Fart is not nearly as informational as Poop Particles. I think it necessary to admit what's really happening when you smell the release of bodily gas. Also, it is a commonly know fact that 90% of existing sterling notes (translation: dollar bill British style) have traces of cocaine. If someone on the team has a twitch or is acting a little hyper, they've been "licking the notes" again.

I realize that last paragraph had two subjects of poor association, but they just weren't aesthetically pleasing as independent paragraphs. It's almost 3am and these are the thoughts that make their way from my delirious brain to my fingertips. There's a lot of wrong turns those neurons could make, if you think about it. But you probably won't think about it because you're not a total loser like me. Feel free to use my new vocabulary. Poop particles, Unxious (posh English for delicious), Fettle (poor English for make, fix, do...anything's a useful verb, indeed).

And now I must fettle myself to bed. Good night.


Blogger Cyril Sneer said...

It's spelled "unctuous".

Aha! Grammar Marie strikes again!

November 29, 2005 at 4:03 PM  

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