Monday, July 19, 2004

Deep in Thought

It seems there are places specially designed for deep thinking.  The toilet happens to be one spot truly receptive to pensiveness.  This very entry was first written while relieving myself.  The shower too has led to great inventions.  Now I must acknowledge the power of the bus.  Riding along, not having to worry about driving, watching the world go by through a small, glass window- excellent conditions to let the mind wander.  Well, first it was my eyes that wandered to the back of the bus driver´s head... or should I say, the mullet on the back of the bus driver´s head.  The dialogue in my mind proceeded as follows:  ¨Oh, you have a mullet too?  Yes, we can truly relate to one another.  It´s hard living in this day-in-age...with a mullet.¨
Okay, so maybe a dialogue consists of two people talking, and maybe I don´t quite have a mullet.  But I thought the image of me conducting a monologue as I stared shamelessly at the wonder of this man´s mullet was worth your time to read.


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